Arrived in the province of Lucca and more precisely in the hamlet of Santa Maria del Giudice, we were having fun in the search for new emotions on the territory when we meet a couple from Lucca who were admiring the view at the peak of a modest hill behind the village.
After a pleasant chat we tell of a ghost village, once very nice and nice, in the hinterland of Lucca. There turns on our true soul and we understand that something beautiful was there behind Lucca waiting for us.
We leave in the afternoon armed as always with a good dose of curiosity and creativity in the direction of San Martino in Freddana, where we find a green valley, with a few houses along the road and a wild nature.
After about 3 km the road begins to become quite narrow for us and we decide to enjoy the last part of just over a km on foot. We follow the sign with the only indications found and leave the main road.
The road is completely paved and slightly uphill, but in a little over 100 meters of altitude difference we arrive at the village that presents itself to us in an almost magical silence, to want to tell us that someone has just left and that he has intentionally left everything in its place. Instead, the village has been uninhabited since the seventies, when the last inhabitants of the 16 houses decided to go to the village in search of luck and work.
Solo negli ultimi anni abbiamo saputo dalla coppia lucchese, che degli imprenditori si son impegnati nel voler riqualificare e dar nuova vita a questo borgo. Si tratta della Comunità Albergo Diffuso Borgo Batone Srl, che grazie all’aiuto di circa 30 soci sta raccogliendo quanto serve per la rinascita del luogo e per poter così creare un albergo diffuso, dando nuova luce alle eccellenze sul nostro territorio.
We would like to return once the work is completed, to be able to admire the village again in all its splendor.
Route type: asphalt
Water: at the village you will find a source
Discover outdoor,
Taste nature