Today we find ourselves in the town of Trebiano, one of the villages that from the hills behind the Gulf of Poets, overlook the plain of Magra. Villages rich in history and alleys to explore; almost always closed to traffic offer an air of the past, almost as if the clock had stopped many years ago.
Because of a strong migration towards the cities for work or better life prospects this village, like those along these hills, are partially inhabited. However, we note that someone who wants to invest still exists and gradually new homes are emerging along the upper part of the city.
Ma non è tutto, a Trebiano c’è anche un castello, costruito sul colle che sovrasta il borgo medievale, a cavallo tra la bassa val di Magra e il mare, a controllo degli importanti scali marittimi commerciali di Lerici (utilizzato per lo più dalla Repubblica di Genova e la Francia) e di San Genesio verso La Spezia per gli scambi con la Toscana. Ad oggi purtroppo il castello è ridotto a un rudere ed è difficilmente visitabile.
La sua curiosità? Tenetevi forte, perchè gli anziani del luogo narrano la leggenda che, nel borgo di Trebiano, sia nascosto il manoscritto originale della Divina Commedia, tra i ruderi del castello ormai in rovina.
Oggi andremo alla scoperta dei luoghi di queste colline, sino al Forte di Canarbino, la nostra meta odierna. La strada è asfaltata sino al bivio che ci porterà sulla salita del forte, dove dovremo prestare attenzione ad imboccare la traccia giusta.
At this crossroads, pay attention and climb from the road immediately after the bend, on the right.
Narrow path, with signs that seem to be put there for more and that will lead us towards Pugliano, a few steps from Villa Rezzola and with the possibility of making water supply.
Once under the arch we will have just the time to admire the sea in the distance, then it will be already time to look back and take the path that will lead us to the fort (really very narrow in the middle of the vegetation, but it is well marked).
After about twenty minutes of walking in the woods here is the long-awaited view of the Gulf of Poets. Seeing the gulf together with the final part of the Cinque Terre with Portovenere and Palmaria from above has an incredible charm!
We continue north and in a short time we arrive at the entrance of the asphalt road that leads to the top.
The fort is closed to the public at the time of our arrival. It’s used as a shooting range today, but from the inside, peeking in here and we’re convinced it’s a place where we can still create events or exhibitions today.
Path type: asphalt and mountain path
Water: in the center of Trebiano in front of the church and before Pugliano
Discover outdoor,
Taste nature